The general aim of the MODEST project according to its wider objective is "To enhance cooperation capacities of higher educational institutions of Partner Countries in the field of Doctoral Education within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA)". Taking into account importance of the development of all aspect of cooperation on doctoral education, the fields of Science are chosen as the most appropriate areas of modernization of doctoral programs, and improvement of teaching methodologies and management of doctoral training, along with implementation of interdisciplinary and internationalization of research, enhancing international mobility.


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Project specific objectives are •Improve the quality of doctoral graduates of PC HEI's and their employability by modernizing doctoral education towards interdisiplinarity, internationalization, enhancing mobility and improving teaching methodologies in line with Salzburg Principles, BFGU recommendation on Innovative Doctoral Training and EU best practices. •Facilitate a successful adherence with Bologna process reforms and its instruments by academic and administrative staff of HEI’s of Partner Countries involved in doctoral training and research management through the organization of special training sessions. •Improve up-skills of teachers by retraining on new teaching methods and create modern learning and research environment based on student-centered approach, competence based programs development, advanced IT technologies and best European practice on Quality Assurance. •Strengthen research skills of doctoral students by implementing new supervision models and professional development of supervisor, improvement of regular monitoring of each Doctoral candidate’s progress and by the improvement of standards for thesis defense, the improvement of internal audits of research assessments. •Improve the structure and internal capacities of services that manage doctoral education and research by setting up Doctoral Training Centers in PC HEIs in accordance with modern European practices. •Ensure sustainability of DTC and their cooperation with EU partners by establishing a sustainable professional network providing the use of participatory approaches and ICT-based methodologies.


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Project Work Plan for all years


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